City trip Rome: Best Tips Rome & Vatican City

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  • City trip Rome: Best Tips Rome & Vatican City
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Visiting Rome

Rome is not only one of the oldest cities in Europe, but also one of the nicest cities in Europe. The city has its own culture, lively squares, beautiful Roman architecture and lots of historical sites that are all worth a visit. In short, Rome is a top destination and offers something for everyone.

Tips for a city trip to Rome and Vatican City

Being well prepared is important for a successful city trip to Rome and the Vatican City. Therefore, we have written several blogs with practical travel tips so that you can enjoy your trip and stay in Rome without any worries.

City trip to Rome: Is Rome a nice city?

Stedentrip naar Rome City trip to Rome Städtetrip nach Rom

A city trip to Rome is one of the most enjoyable city trips you can take. Every year Rome is visited by millions of tourists from all parts of the world.

Sights in Rome: What should you see?

bezienswaardigheden in Rome

Rome is a very beautiful city with lots of great sights, but which sights in Rome should you really have seen during your city break.

Colosseum in Rome: Is it worth a visit?

Colosseum in Rome

The Colosseum in Rome is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and one of the most popular monuments and sights in Italy.

Pantheon in Rome: Is it worth a visit?

Pantheon in Rome

The Pantheon in Rome is one of Italy’s most famous monuments. And every year the monument is visited by more than 8 million tourists.

Vatican Museums: Is it worth a visit?

Vaticaanse Musea

With more than 6 million visitors a year, the Vatican Museums rank third among the most visited museums in the world. But is a visit worthwhile?

Forum Romanum: is it worth a visit?

Forum Romanum in rome

The Forum Romanum is the oldest archaeological site in the city of Rome. And every year this historic site is visited by more than five million tourists.

St. Peter's Basilica: Is it worth a visit?

Sint-Pietersbasiliek in rome

St. Peter’s Basilica is located in St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City. And every year the basilica is visited by millions of visitors.

Trevi Fountain in Rome: is it worth a visit?

Trevifontein in Rome Trevi Fountain in Rome Trevi-Brunnen in Rom

The Trevi Fountain, also known as “Fontana di Trevi,” is one of Rome’s most popular and visited landmarks.

Visiting Rome: What is the best travel time for Rome?

Rome bezoeken

Do you want to visit Rome and wonder what is the best time to go before booking your stay? Read our tips.

Spanish Square in Rome: Is it worth a visit?

Het spaanse plein-Piazza di Spagna-rome The Spanish square - Piazza di Spagna - Rome Der spanischen Platz - Piazza di Spagna - Rom Trinità dei Monti

Located in the city’s most historic district, the Spanish Steps in Rome connect Spanish Square, or Piazza di Spagna, to Pincio Hill.

nice Day trip from Rome to Pompeii

vanuit rome naar pompeij

Rome is often called an open-air museum, thanks to its many historical sites and impressive ruins.

St. Peter's Square in Rome: A Must-See Sight

Sint-Pietersplein in Rome

St. Peter’s Square is one of the most iconic and crowded squares in the world. Located in the heart of Vatican City, it attracts thousands of visitors daily.

Is Galleria Borghese in Rome worth a Visit?

Galleria Borghese in Galleria Borghese in rom

The Galleria Borghese inRome is one of the city’s most prestigious museums and an absolute must-visit for art lovers.

Sights at Villa Borghese park

Villa Borghese in rome

Villa Borghese houses the famous Galleria Borghese and numerous other special attractions.

airport transfer from Fiumicino Airport in Rome

Fiumicino Airport

If you are going on a city trip to Rome and want to know how to get to your hotel or apartment from the airport, read our tips.

Special offers for a city trip to Rome

If you are going on a city trip to Rome and would like to visit some of the sights, take advantage of the offers below!

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